
!=Avg(Joe) a.k.a. Not Average Joe

is 3-panel Comic Strip NFT

on Ethereum Network


My bank balance is $0.99 but...I'm HODL'ing to the 🌕!!!"

What's your story? :)

Tell us your story on Twitter

The Team



An Avg(Joe) with C grades, turnt investment banker on the wall street who told his boss “ser I'm done, gn” and left. Now !=Avg(Joe) deep into NFTs and the people in the space.



An Avg(Joe) with rainbow-color-hair turnt one-of-a-kind startup CEO turnt a Avg(dev). Lives in many places across the world as long as no quarantine upon arrival.



A shy Avg(Joe) who couldn't press the stop in bus due to people's attention. Now a top storyboard designer and an artist for popular Korean movies and TV series.


FrenchBull DougtheCat

An ex-DJ and fun craving Avg(Joe) who once created own brand sold 500+ denim pants to his family members. Now a master of content strategy and marketing.



A sports-fanatic Avg(Joe) from Michigan and an expert in slicing data and pizza during early days of career. Now a Fortune 500 strategy consultant who accidentally got into NFT.


Q. What is !=Avg(Joe) about?
  • An evolving comic strip NFT with a story of !=Avg(Joe) a.k.a Not Average Joe
  • We wanted to tell a story on...
    how... many of us were average Joes,
    made a decision to get into the crypto / NFT space,
    are now learning . growing . shilling . helping one another today
  • We think the crypto & NFT space have given a lot of people a chance to become !=Avg(Joe) and we are still in the middle of that opportunity land today. Also, we saw a lot of beautiful !=Avg(Joes) sharing . caring . givingaway . helping others, so we chose such !=Avg(Joe) to be the rarest, hence the most valuable panel in our collection
  • Q. How many NFTs in Phase 1?
  • 3,333 randomly generated NFTs; 1,111 per each panel
  • Q. How many mints per wallet?
  • Twenty
  • Q. What chain?
  • ERC-721 token standard
  • Q. How can I join?
  • We'd love you see you on Twitter